ProOpt: Production Optimization of Complex and Dynamic Processes
Modeling and simulation have been established as mature technology, accessible as well as useful within the process industry. Optimization technology and tools have not yet reached the same level of maturity within the industry, both regarding the technology as such and its user competence. In ProOpt, emphasis is put on bringing about a comprehensive view of process optimization, resulting in a resource efficiency gain.
Resource efficient and flexible processes for rapid quality and quantity changes, tailored to customer needs, have become typical features and trends in the Swedish process industry. Swedish chemical industry has been successful in leveraging its expertise and knowledge of processes to produce specialty products with high specification and value but in small volumes. This has resulted in a need for processes that perform production changeovers while maintaining high availability, productivity and resource efficiency and maintain good competitiveness.
The PICLU ProOpt project focuses on methods for optimization of resource efficiency, flexibility and production changeovers. The final product is expected to be a number of tools or prototypes of tools and a library of optimization problems.
The project is implemented in three work packages:
- Package 1 deals with optimization of complex processes with a focus on resource optimization and flexibility.
- Package 2 deals with the optimization of dynamic processes and optimal gradients and transients.
- Package 3 summarizes these experiences in the development of optimization tools.
Industry partners are Perstorp AB, Novo Nordisk A/S and Modelon AB. The final aim is to develop a methodology with computer tools for advanced optimization of complex and dynamic processes, which is exemplified on an industrial case study at Perstorp AB. All results within ProOpt will be spread naturally within collaborating partners. This ensures that efficiency gains will be made immediately and that spin-off results and technology transmission are facilitated.
PICLU ProOpt is jointly funded by VINNOVA, Lund University, Perstorp AB, Novo Nordisk A/S and Modelon AB. The project runs between 2015 and 2018.